10 Online Dating Profile Pics to Avoid When BBW
How many times has this happened? You’re getting along well, the conversation is lively. Oh and then talk of photo sharing comes up. He wants to know what you look like. Fair question so you send a photo. Now he’s acting…weird. Distant. Maybe he even stops talking to you! Yeah it’s rude behavior but of course we know it happens. Sharing the RIGHT photos of yourself is a crucial decision, even if the guy claims it’s not a big deal.
Let’s discuss what the “right” kind of photo is for this occasion. In general, smiling face, active situation and good fashion sense is a universal starting point. But naturalness is also important. You DO have to let him know you’re a BBW rather than keep it a secret, but if the presentation is good it shouldn’t matter. The women who don’t do very well with dating profiles often make the mistake of sending a BAD PICTURE and that compromises the whole introduction.
Don’t worry…you can look more natural by simply AVOIDING the wrong kind of pictures and sending what’s left in your heart after all that. First thing’s first: here are ten and a half BAD IDEA pictures that you definitely want to avoid in order to impress a date.

No good can come from this. For better results, keep your chin higher and take photos looking slightly up into the camera.
2.Group pictures with all your girlfiends.This is a cheesy move and kind of paints you are someone who’s afraid to go one on one.
3.Your mom, dad or sibling.Seriously, why? Your date is definitely not ready to meet your parents!
4.A bikini or lingerie—in other words too much skin too soon.No, men will never mind a sexy photo at the right time from a woman he likes. But revealing too much skin right away sends the wrong message.
5.Disguises or anything that obscures your eyes or face.Let’s face it people are looking at your face hoping to form an impression. If they see sunglasses, a hat or anything obstructing your face, they will feel cheated and may swipe past you.
6.Full body shot that’s NOT flattering.You might be surprised at how many women get too overconfident and send something like this. The problem is that although body shape doesn’t matter, fashion sense does matter. Taking a full body shot and wearing a boring, homey or strange color combination won’t work. Instead, go for a more professional headshot wearing conservative but form-fitting clothing.
7.Just a face shot.Men do want to see something close to a full body shot, yes, but they want something formal or smart casual.
8.Landscape that deemphasizes you.No, you’re the star of the photo. Any landscape or large subject should only complement you.
9.Party picture!No, really. Let the guy figure out that you’re a party girl…showing it is in bad taste and may give him an impression that you’re a little too easy.
10.A serious or distracted look.These seldom work with women. Artsy pics test better with females looking at males. But males are visual creatures so it’s not surprising they prefer you looking into the camera.
Addition, anything that’s too 1970s or 1980s.Come on! The last thing you need is the guy using old fashion as an excuse to swipe passed you!
Remember to eliminate these bad photo ideas and then use something natural and sweet but also amazingly confident!
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