Not Giving Up On Being Fat and Fit!

See that skinny guy over there? He’s at a high risk for heart attack.

See that chubby girl over there? She’s more healthy than her sister who only weight 130 pounds!
Sound unrealistic? You might be surprised. Fat and fit is actually a thing.
This may seem like a startling revelation but you do not have to be thin to be healthy. This is a major misconception. Everyone always assumes that if you are a healthy person you will be skinny, or at least average in size. But the truth is more complicated than that.
Why Weight and Health Are Not Always a MatchFor one thing, many people assume that just because they eat all they want during their 20s and never seem to gain weight that their metabolism will always be that way. Not true…by the time they’re 30 and 40 they see the difference! They eat a little bit and yet take in a lot of calories. Exercise also seems more difficult, at least when it comes to burning off more calories.
On the other hand, some people assume that just because they’re skinny they must be in perfect health. Wrong! You can still have heart problems, including heart disease and diabetes among others, even if you’re skinny. Being skinny is not a reflection of your diet or exercise routine, not always, especially if you have a genetic history of being thin or small. But many people—including young people—are shocked to find that they will develop heart problems despite looking like an ideal weight.
Lastly, consider this: even if you are chubby or overweight you CAN still be healthy. If you’re working out on a regular basis and watching your diet you will start to feel better and look better. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to lose a lot of weight. Losing weight takes major fat burning exercises and patients.
Be Healthy and Be Happy with YourselfBut here’s what matters: being healthy and being happy with your own body. It’s not important that you slim down, not compared to changing your diet and adding more regular exercise.
Here’s a secret that will help you get into better shape and feel better: eat better quality foods, rich in vegetables. Avoid desserts AND carbs. Find an exercise routine that’s personally fun for you. Don’t force it or it won’t be enjoyable. Find something you love doing, such as bike riding, swimming or kickboxing. That’s the key when it comes to not giving up. You can be plus size and still fit and in very good shape and that’s what really matters.
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